121 research outputs found

    The Effect of (Think – Pair – Share) Strategy on the Achievement of Third Grade Student in Sciences in the Educational District of Irbid

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    The current research aims at knowing the impact of (Think – Pair – Share) strategy on the achievement of third grade student in sciences in the educational district of Irbid, it was used the semi experimental in this study, the sample of study consisted of (120) students of third grade student in the educational district of Irbid, They were distributed into two groups: the control group which consisted of (30) male students and (30) female students; and the experimental group which consisted of (30) male students and (30) female students, the findings of the study show that there are statistically differences in grades of students due to group variable at the significance level (0.05), and the differences were in favor of the experimental group and there are statistically differences due to gender at the significance level (0.05) in favor of females.The study recommended to entry (Think – Pair – Share) strategy within the teaching strategies used by students during the teaching and the involvement of teachers in training courses on (Think – Pair – Share) strategy. Keywords: Think – Pair – Share, third Grade student, Sciences

    The Effect of Using Pictorial Story in raising the achievement in Arabic among second Grade Students' in Irbid

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    This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of Using Pictorial Story in raising the achievement in Arabic among second Grade Students' in Irbid, The sample of the study consisted of 80 male and female students among second Grade, The sample was chosen intentionally, and the students were enrolled in four sections: two experimental groups (25 males and 25 females) and two control groups (25 males and 25 females). Item test was devised for the study. Its validity and reliability were verified, The findings of the study revealed that there were statistically significant differences in student performance due to group variable at a=0.05 level  and it was in favor of experimental groups. However, there were no statistically significant differences in student performance due to interaction between gender and group at a=0.05 level, whereas (F) did not reach to the statistical significance level. Keywords: (Pictorial Story, achievement, Arabic language, second grade)

    Waqf as a Financing Tool and Its Role in Achieving SDGs and Foreseeing the Future

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    The significance of Waqf goes beyond being an act of worship that has been ordained to fulfill society’s welfare in many fronts, spiritual and material, individual and social, as well as here and hereafter. It is characterized as being one of the most pertinent tools of Islamic economics. This is due to its autonomy, flexibility, sustainability, and continuity, and its ability to achieve socioeconomic development for contemporary and future generations alike. The Waqf system have witnessed various stages of development in the light of the Islamic civilization to encompass all socioeconomic sectors; education, culture, healthcare, housing, services, politics, military, energy, infrastructure, food and water security, clean and affordable energy, and more. Proving itself to be capable of achieving high and advanced potentials of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This chapter aims at investigating the capacity and flexibility of Waqf, and its ability to achieve advanced progress towards various SDGs. The challenges facing Waqf and hindering it from achieving its great potentials are analyzed and solutions and policy recommendations would be presented

    Theoretical Ethics Represented in Baroque’s Drawings

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    يعنى البحث الحالي بدراسة (تمثلات الأخلاق النظرية في رسوم الباروك)، ويقع في أربعة فصول: خُصص الأول منها لبيان مُشكلة البحث التي تحددت بالتساؤل الآتي: كيف تمثلت الأخلاق النظرية في رسوم الباروك؟ وتجلّت أهمية البحث في تحديد آلية اشتغال مفهوم الأخلاق النظرية فكراً وممارسةً ضمن نطاق رسوم الباروك في ضوء موقف فلسفي مفاهيمي تأويلي، وهدفت الدراسة إلى: تعرف تمثلات الأخلاق النظرية في رسوم الباروك، أما حدود البحث الموضوعية والزمانية والمكانية فشملت دراسة الأعمال التصويرية(الزيتة) في أوروبا للمدة(1600-1750م) وتحليلها، وتم استعراض المصطلحات الواردة في البحث ومناقشتها، وتناول الفصل الثاني الإطار النظري بمبحثين: الأول؛ مفهوم الأخلاق والأخلاق النظرية في الفلسفة والفن، والثاني: فن الباروك مفاهيم وتطبيقات، وكذلك استخراج ومناقشة المؤشرات للإفادة منها في صياغه أداة البحث، أما الفصل الثالث فقد تضمّن إجراءات البحث، واحتوى الفصل الرابع نتائج البحث، والاستنتاجات، والتوصيات، والمقترحات. ومن أهم النتائج التي توصّل إليها البحث ما يأتي: 1-جاء الباروك متعايشاً مع الناس، فإلى جانب المواضيع الدينية والبلاطية صور مواضيع المجتمع ومؤكداً نشر التواضع وبث روح الإيثار وأن الفرد من أجل الجماعة وأن الإرادة والعقل هما من موجودات العالم الأخروي ولا سبيل في هذه الدنيا إلا إلى الفضائل لنيل السعادة الأبدية كما في العينة(5،4،3،2،1). 2-اتخذت الدينامية الباروكية عنصر المفاجأة وفي التنكر لقواعد الأسلوب النهضوي في خلق رؤى جديدة تسعى لدايكتيك متعالي ولتحقق أفقاً ميتافيزيقياً يسعى بحكمته وفضائله إلى الفوز بالسعادة الأبدية وأنها تسعى للفعل بدل الارتكاسية.  Current research means study " Theoretical ethics represented in baroque drawings" It is located in four Chapteres، The first is devoted to illustrating the research problem which was determined by the following question: How Theoretical ethics  were represented in Baroque drawings? The importance of the research was manifested in determining the mechanism of operating the concept of theoretical ethics، intellectually and Exercise، within the scope of the Baroque drawings in light of philosophical conceptual and explanatory، The study aimed to: Identify Theoretical ethics represented in baroque drawings، As for the limits of the research the Objectivity، temporal and spatial، they included studying and analyzing pictorial works (Oil painting) in Europe for the period (1600-1750 AD)، Also has been reviewed and discussed  The terms mentioned in the research، As  for  the  second chapter dealt with the theoretical framework and in two topics The first is The concept of moral and theoretical ethics in philosophy and art، The second: Baroque art concepts and applications، As well as extracting and discussing indicators to be used in formulating the research tool،  As for the third chapter it included the research procedures، Chapter four contained the results of the research، conclusions، recommendations، and proposals، Among the most important results reached by the the research are:1- Baroque came to live with people، Besides religious and palatial issues Pictures of the subjects of society، emphasizing the spreading of humility and the spreading of the spirit of altruism، that the individual is for the sake of the community and that the will and the mind are among the assets of the afterlife and there is no way in this world except for the virtues to obtain eternal happiness as in the sample (5،4،3،2،1). 2- The Baroque dynamism has taken the element of surprise and disavowal of the rules of the Renaissance style in creating new visions that seek a transcendent dialectic and to achieve a metaphysical horizon that seeks through its wisdom and virtues to win eternal happiness and that it seeks to do rather than retrograde

    The Role of Saline Enema in Reduction of Intussusception Under Ultra Sonographic Guide a Study of 40 Patients in Alkarama Teaching Hospital

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    Background: enema reduction of the intussusception under US guide is widely used as a useful alternative to surgical management. This procedure is simple with no radiational effect , less complication rate with good outcome and the parents can stay with their child during the whole procedure. Aim of study : We tried to present our experience in HRIUSG by the use of normal saline enema and to evaluate its safety, outcome and to identify the risk variables for enema failure. Methodology : From the 1st of June 2016 to 1st of January 2017, we received about 45 children at children welfare hospital (medical city complex) that confirmed sonographically to have intussusception. Five patients were excluded from the study because of contraindications (peritonitis, perforation and shock). 40 children were developed enema reduction under sonographic guide. Results : From 40 children underwent HRIUSG their age presentation range from 3 months to 32 month, 67.4 % had respiratory infection while 32.6 % had gastroenteritis. We had a successful rate about 79 % with a median of 1 trial and only 3 patients (9.3 %) developed recurrence within 1st 24 hr. from the 9 patients underwent surgery we had 8 patients had manual reduction and one patient underwent resection of the bowel. Only 3 patients had PLP. 1 patient ( 2.3% ) was reported to have complication ( perforation over sewn ). Age , gender , duration of symptoms not significantly affect the outcome P value < 0.05 while bleeding with stool, initial mass in the left colon and rectum , presence of free fluid and more trial numbers were a bad prognostic factors for enema failure . Conclusion: 1. HRIUSG is simple, safe, less costly, practical, less messy ,no radiational exposure with a low complication rate 2. Age, gender, Duration of symptoms did not affect the outcome significantly. 3. Although bleeding with stool, left colon intussusception mass and free peritoneal fluid is a risk factor for failure of HRIUSG but they are not absolute contraindication. 4. The better scenario for enema reduction success is a patient presented with symptoms < 24 hr. with no bleeding stool and a mass in the cecum and ascending colon with no free peritoneal fluid. Keywords: saline enema; reduction; intussusception ; ultrasound guide . DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/73-04 Publication date: April 30th 202

    The Value of Ultrasonography in Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Pediatric Age Group

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    BACKGROUND Acute appendicitis is one of the most common surgical emergency condition in pediatric age group that need admission to pediatric surgery unit for emergent operation of appendectomy . Any delayed in the diagnosis and operation lead to very serious outcome ,including perforation , abscess formation and appendiceal mass formation and other complications which may lead to high mortality and morbidity rate in case of absence timely performed operation of appendectomy . Ultrasound (USG)is one of the most helpful and informative tool in diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children.it is simple , fast , available and with less complications of ionizing radiation that may associated with other modality of radiological methods , like CT . Aims of the study Evaluate the role of USG examination in :- 1-diagnosis of children with suspected appendicitis 2-defining the sensitivity , specificity and the accuracy rate of acute appendicitis in pediatric age group. 3-Decreasing the normal appendectomy in pediatric age group/. patients and method This prospective study has been achieved in the central child teaching hospital in Baghdad during the period from February 2015 to December 2015, that enrolled 110 patients that were admitted pediatric surgery Center in Central Child Hospital in Baghdad who were complained from right lower abdominal pain and acute appendicitis was highly suspected at time of examination .USG examination had been done to these patients. Result Clinical presentation and USG criteria of acute appendicitis had been found in 57 cases out of 110 patients , and those underwent appendectomy operation in the Central Child Teaching Hospital in Baghdad . Unvisualization of appendix or normal ultrasonography criteria had been found in 53 patients. 6 patients out of the those of 53 patients with negative USG finding underwent appendectomy operation due to persistence of clinical finding, 3 of them were with normal appendix while the 3 others were with inflamed appendix according to histopathological examination. The other 47 patients from 53 cases who were complain from right lower abdominal pain, but with negative USG findings , kept for observation for 24 hours and then discharged home with follow up these cases by clinical examination and USG once weekly for 2 weeks. The overall result of a study is as follow :- Specificity = 100% Sensitivity = 95% Accuracy rate =97.27% Positive predictive value =100% negative predictive value = 50% conclusion ultrasonographic examination have effective role in diagnosis of acute appendicitis in pediatric age group. Keywords:Acute appendicitis , ultrasonogaphy in acute appendicitis , sensitivity , specificity , accuracy rate. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/73-06 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Energy modelling as a tool for curbing energy crisis and enhancing transition to sustainable energy system in Nigeria

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    The relevance of energy in the growth and development process necessitate giving serious attention to the planning, production and consumption of energy. This is usually referred to as energy planning and analysis or modelling carried out in recent years using sophisticated and computerized models. These models rely heavily on future assumptions regarding the expected economic conditions in consideration to the current and unfolding situations of the economies in question. However, due to uncertainty of the future economic conditions of especially developing economies, these assumptions are mostly found unable to adequately capture the evolving events. This is more evident if one looks at the alternative energy projections made by different organizations using different understandings and assumptions. This study compares the best electricity demand and supply projections of NECAL2050 as the best energy model in Nigeria and other alternatives projections by [6, 13,] and previous Energy Commission of Nigeria - ECN’s energy models by [14] to show case the discrepancies and their economic consequences. Policy implications and recommendations are discussed at the end

    CDPS-IoT: Cardiovascular Disease Prediction System Based on IoT using Machine Learning

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    Internet of Things, Machine learning, and Cloud computing are the emerging domains of information communication and technology. These techniques can help to save the life of millions in the medical assisted environment and can be utilized in health-care system where health expertise is less available. Fast food consumption increased from the past few decades, which makes up cholesterol, diabetes, and many more problems that affect the heart and other organs of the body. Changing lifestyle is another parameter that results in health issues including cardio-vascular diseases. Affirming to the World Health Organization, the cardiovascular diseases, or heart diseases lead to more death than any other disease globally. The objective of this research is to analyze the available data pertaining to cardiovascular diseases for prediction of heart diseases at an earlier stage to prevent it from occurring. The dataset of heart disease patients was taken from Jammu and Kashmir, India and stored over the cloud. Stored data is then pre-processed and further analyzed using machine learning techniques for the prediction of heart diseases. The analysis of the dataset using numerous machines learning techniques like Random Forest, Decision Tree, Naive based, K-nearest neighbors, and Support Vector Machine revealed the performance metrics (F1 Score, Precision and Recall) for all the techniques which shows that Naive Bayes is better without parameter tuning while Random Forest algorithm proved as the best technique with hyperparameter tuning. In this paper, the proposed model is developed in such a systematic way that the clinical data can be obtained through the use of IoT with the help of available medical sensors to predict cardiovascular diseases on a real-time basis

    Graphical Views of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Double-Controlled Metric-Like Spaces and Certain Fixed-Point Results with Application

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    In this article, we establish the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy double-controlled metric-like spaces by “assuming that the self-distance may not be zero”; if the value of the metric is zero, then it has to be “a self-distance”. We derive numerous fixed-point results for contraction mappings. In addition, we provide several non-trivial examples with their graphical views and an application of integral equations to show the validity of the proposed results